The Tech World

Remove Assignments to Parameters| Drawbacks and Resolving Strategy

By removing assignments to parameters within a function or method, the “Remove Assignments to Parameters” refactoring approach helps to make code more readable and maintainable. By substituting local variables for the assignments, the code is made more transparent and less prone to errors.

Ways to Apply Remove Assignments to Parameters Technique

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to apply the “Remove Assignments to Parameters” refactoring technique:

Remove Assignments to Parameters


Inside the method’s body, a parameter is given or given a value.

Before Refactoring

def calculate_discount(price, discount_rate):
    if price > 100:
        discount_rate = 0.2  # Assigning a new value to the discount_rate parameter
        discount_rate = 0.1  # Assigning a different value to the discount_rate parameter
    discounted_price = price - (price * discount_rate)
    return discounted_price


Use a local variable in place of a parameter.

After Refactoring

def calculate_discount(price, discount_rate):
    if price > 100:
        local_discount_rate = 0.2  # Using a local variable instead of assigning to the parameter
        local_discount_rate = 0.1
    discounted_price = price - (price * local_discount_rate)
    return discounted_price

In the “before” code, the discount_rate the parameter is being reassigned within the function, which can lead to confusion and potential bugs. The refactored “after” code creates a local variable local_discount_rate and assigns it the appropriate value based on the condition. The local variable is then used in the calculation, keeping the original parameter intact.

The code is made easier to read and less likely to contain errors by deleting the assignments to the parameter. It makes the code more maintainable by separating the input parameters from the local variables used within the method.

Drawbacks of Removing Assignments to Parameters Refactoring Technique

While using the “Remove Assignments to Parameters” refactoring technique might make code easier to understand and maintain, it’s vital to think about any potential negatives and how to work around them. The following are some downsides and solutions for them:

Resolving Strategy

Here are some problem-solving techniques to handle the potential downsides of the “Remove Assignments to Parameters” refactoring technique:

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