The Tech World

Inline Temp | Drawbacks and Resolving Strategy

By eliminating pointless temporary variables, the inline temp refactoring technique is a software development technique used to streamline and clarify code. It entails replacing a temporary variable directly in the code with its appropriate expression or value.

Ways to Apply Inline Temp Technique

An explanation of the inline temp refactoring process’s steps is provided below:


There is a temporary variable you can only use to store the result of a plain expression.

Before Refactoring

def calculate_total_price(quantity, price):
    total = quantity * price
    tax_rate = 0.1
    tax_amount = total * tax_rate
    final_price = total + tax_amount
    return final_price


Instead of using the reference variable, use the expression itself.

After Refactoring

def calculate_total_price(quantity, price):
    total = quantity * price
    tax_rate = 0.1
    return total + (total * tax_rate)

In this case, we can refactor the code by applying the inline temp technique to eliminate the temporary variables tax_amount and final_price. We simplify the code and make it simpler to comprehend the calculation being done by directly employing the expressions in the return statement.

Drawbacks of Inline Temp Refactoring Technique

Resolving Strategy

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